Live Appearances and Stagings
Stay tuned for news of upcoming live appearances, readings, shows, and signings!
Television/Online Appearances
Interview With Pat Rullo of Speak Up Talk Radio
Joseph and I were interviewed by Pat Rullo for Speak Up! Talk Radio.
Window Chats With Robyn
I was a guest on Window Chats With Robyn's season premiere. Here I got to talk about writing, the Fringe Festival, and Lucky At Bat.
The C&E Show- Pandaverse Book Club
Second Line Show
Rogers Daytime Television
McFly Music Video
That one time I was cast as a dancer in a music video. It was... successful? (I'm wearing a pink business suit)
Newspaper Interviews
Blog Posts & Interviews
Interview With Literary Titan
Kevin Tummlinson
The Mindsoak Project
The Malliard Report
I was interviewed on "The Fastest Hour in Paranormal Talk Radio"!
Droids Canada
This Is What It's Like Raising Triplets (Guest Blog on Kveller)
What Are They Eating?
Guest Blog on Literary Escapism
Meet some characters from The Dybbuk's Mirror! (Now titled The Song of Vengeance)
Top Ten List at Dawn's Reading Nook
Interview By Jason Beem
I was interviewed by Southbound author Jason Beem. Check it out here.
Interview by Author Elgon Williams
I was interviewed by author Elgon Williams on his blog. Check it out here.
I've been published online
I've been published on Lyn Fuchs Wandering Mystic Meditation Travel blog. Here's a brief excerpt of my story. Click to go read the whole thing.
As a Canadian, I must confess that when we think of taking a trip, we usually plan on going anywhere but our own country. We travel to the United States, Europe, Mexico, Aruba: someplace we deem to be hot, exotic, or fun. So, with this mindset, imagine my consternation as an eighteen-year-old when my parents told me we weren't only staying in Canada for our mandatory family vacation, but we were driving from our home just outside Toronto to Charlottetown Prince Edward Island...
As a Canadian, I must confess that when we think of taking a trip, we usually plan on going anywhere but our own country. We travel to the United States, Europe, Mexico, Aruba: someplace we deem to be hot, exotic, or fun. So, with this mindset, imagine my consternation as an eighteen-year-old when my parents told me we weren't only staying in Canada for our mandatory family vacation, but we were driving from our home just outside Toronto to Charlottetown Prince Edward Island...