The truth of the matter is that we definitely had lovely dinners, and we had a week free of four-year-old infighting. However, we did not sleep in. We were actually in Vegas for GTC 2015. If you follow my blog, you will remember from prior posts that I am an Arbonne consultant, and last week was our international conference. It was an amazing few days filled with inspirational speakers, amazing energy, and a chance to hang out with some of the most uplifting and inspiring people I have ever met. I came home incredibly energized and raring to go. I can use everything I learned, not just in my Arbonne business that I share with my husband Brian, but also in my writing (which as much as I want to say is art, I readily acknowledge that there is definitely a business component to it.).
Now, this Arbonne tangent does segue nicely into what I want to talk about. One of my favourite things about Arbonne is the company's dedication to helping people and giving back. Our CEO Kay Napier wants this company to be one that gives back as much as possible. This is something I believe in wholeheartedly. In that vein, I am currently involved in an amazing movement online right now. I don't know how many of you know about SB 101 in Indiana, in which they took the Religious Freedom Reformation Act enabling all businesses to refuse to serve anyone if they felt that it infringed on their religious freedom. Now, the law makers in question have said that this law is not based in bigotry, however, a little digging has shown that this is not the truth of the matter.
The owners of one pizza parlour in Indiana has said that they will be using this law to refuse service to the LGBTQ community. Public outcry forced them to close, but a subsequent fundraiser then raised the owners over $800,000.00 and they have since reopened.
I firmly believe in equality for all. Myself, my family, now and in the past have faced hatred and bigotry based on our religion, and for some members of our family, based upon their sexual orientation. Hatred and small mindedness angers me to no end, and for some people to have actually profited off of it sickens me.
In response, a group of 224 authors, bloggers, and publishers got together to raise funds and awareness for various LGBTQ charities. As we say: This isn't about pizza. It's about human rights. Come and support our efforts, donate, raise awareness, and earn a chance to win some fantastic books. Check out our efforts here: Let's turn something hateful into a beautiful opportunity.