So, I don't know how many of you outside of Toronto heard about what went on last week, but we had a doozy of an ice storm. Trees came down, power was out across the city, and some people are still without it! Brian and I were lucky and only lost our power for a day, but after that, every time the lights would go out, and the power would die, we cringed until it came back. I can not believe that there are areas in the city where they still haven't gotten it back yet, and that they probably won't have it in time for New Years.
Other than that excitement, things have been relatively calm. However I need to vent about something. I am tired of people asking me ridiculous questions, and making odd statements when they see me out in public with my kids. I am not talking about people I know, who I have run into after a while and are genuinely interested in how I'm doing. I'm talking about total strangers. I have thus compiled a list of the most egregious ones:
1. Are they triplets? Oh my god! Why would you do that?!?
Come on! Do you really think I did this on purpose? Do you not realize how rude you're being to a total stranger and her kids? They're getting to the age where they understand what you say to them. Also, I'm not Octomom. I had triplets. I am very happy with my kids. I love them dearly, but it was not my choice to have three at once.
2. So they're two boys and one girl. Are they identical?
Let's think about this one for a minute. Yup. They're identical. Okay. Hailey is EXACTLY the same as her BROTHERS. Also, Phillip's brown eyes are exactly the same as his siblings' blue eyes. Moron.
3. But you're so calm!
Should I be in a continual state of stress? Because that would be fantastic while raising my kids. How should I be behaving? Should I look more like your view of a mother of multiples and run around with my hair in a mess, wearing nothing but stained sweats, no makeup, and mismatched socks? (Although, my socks often don't match, but that's more the dog's fault as opposed to my kids!)
4. I couldn't be you.
Again, weird stranger I just met at the mall. You're right. You can't be me. I'm me and that's the end of it. For some reason this statement always leaves me feeling odd. What exactly are you saying? I feel like you're making me out to be some weird martyr of some kind. I don't get it.
5. She brought this on herself.
This was said while one of my kids was having a tantrum over stickers. I was dealing with him while the other two wanted to walk off and look at toys. This jerk must've thought I was deaf. Again, this hearkens back to statement number one. Like I chose to have triplets. Look lady, my kids are two. Two year olds have tantrums. Loudly. In public. Over stupid things. You either don't have kids, or your children are androids if this has never happened to you. Mine just occasionally happen in triplicate.
6. You're selfish.
For having triplets? Oy. I seriously wanted to slap the person who said this. What kind of person says this to a person they just met.
Basically, I may need to stop being friendly in public. Enforce the "Stranger Danger" rule strictly, and tell Joseph to stop smiling and saying "Hi" to people he passes. Maybe then I won't be sucked into these awkwardly horrid conversations.