This whole rant has been brought about by the fact that we are in the midst of a ridiculous cold snap. It is currently hovering between -30 and -40 degrees Celsius outside. It is so cold that my nose hurts, and the wind feels like it's biting my face every time I open the door to let the dog out. Poor Sebastian. He needs to go outside a few times a day, but lately, I open the door for him, and he turns to me with his eyes wide, as if he's asking me if I'm crazy. There has been a couple times where he's stuck his head out and ran back in. He decided to hold it a little longer. I can't say I blame him.
If anything, staying in has encouraged me to work on my writing more. I have come up with a new idea for a book. It's going to be set in the Sitnalta series. This one is an idea that just won't let me go. It's been bouncing around in my head for a couple of weeks now. This book is going to focus on a character I've been wanting to explore a bit more in depth. He has such an interesting history, and I've always liked him. I've come up with a brief outline of how the book will go, and scribbled it all out on paper. I've also written up the backgrounds of some of the new characters that will be populating the story, and it lets me do some more world building in and around Colonodona. I'm very excited about this one!