I do have some news, The Dybbuk's Revenge has an official release date! What will be the final instalment in Carrie's story will be available September 30, 2015 from Prizm Books! Now, while I say that this will be the final instalment in Carrie's story, I don't feel as if I'm done with Hadariah. There are still places there to explore, stories to tell, and once I get inspired to do so, I will definitely be writing more.
In other news, I have finished the substantive edits with Pandamoon Publishing on The Kingdom Thief, and I'm waiting to receive my copy edits to continue on that one. I've finished editing the first draft of The City of Arches, and I'm waiting to hear back on that from my tried and true reader.
March 20-22 will be seeing me as a guest at Toronto Comic Con, and I am so excited for that! It will be my first Comic Con, and if it's anything like FanExpo, it will definitely be a blast. An will be with me, as always, and we are definitely looking forward to it.
In personal news, Thursday sees the stet of Birthdaypalooza in our house. The kids are turning 4 on Thursday. (Can't believe they're that big already!) My birthday is on Sunday, and I'm sharing my day with the kids and their friends as that's when we're having their birthday party. Brian's birthday is the Wednesday after that. Busy busy times! I hope to update here more often.