Now, I tell the stories to my kids. They're still a bit young for the novels, but I can certainly make up stories for them and I definitely do. Their imaginations never cease to amaze me. It is endless entertainment watching them as they play with one another, and the adventures they create for themselves are a source of inspiration for me.
Currently, I am working on writing the first draft of the sixth book in The Sitnalta Series. Right now, it's currently called The Wizard's Apprentice, but like all books and all titles I come up with, it is subject to change if anything changes in the book. I really don't like naming books.
I'm also putting the finishing touches on Sibling Revelry. I have all the music for the first episode, written by Anthony Bastianon and Brett McCaig. Now, we search for the best possible home for it!
Tomorrow is the first of June, and I will be sending out the first edition of my new newsletter. I will also be doing a give away to go along with it, so be sure and sign up for your chance to win great stuff!