Tomorrow we move to the middle of the room and only use vocal soothing techniques. I don't anticipate it to be pleasant.
In other news, I ordered the cake for the book launch today! I bought cheese! I bought crackers! I know this sounds less than exciting. Let's see... do I have anything more to tell? YES!!!! I finished the second round of rewrites on Book Two! I only had to resurrect three people in order for my plans for Book Three to make sense and for Book Two to not be a complete downer. How many people had originally died? I can't tell you that. I can tell you that only some of the people I killed originally were new characters. Were they all I spared? I don't know. (Insert evil laugh.)
The article I was interviewed for appeared in this week's Canadian Jewish News. I am there all smiley and happy right under Mitchell Marcus. I wonder if the teacher I talked about remembers me. It would make me kind of sad to find out she didn't. Wouldn't that suck? Think about it: you start talking either in the newspaper, or on tv, or YouTube, or somewhere about how this person had such an effect on your life and what you do. Cut to that person seeing/reading about it and they scratch their head going "Huh, did I teach that person? I really don't remember them." Anyway, I'm off to an early bedtime myself. Trying to catch up on all the sleep I lost these past couple of months.