In my world of writing, The Kingdom Thief has been released officially, and has, so far, garnered great reviews! My loyal and wonderful readers, I thank you and I love you guys! With regard to the whole Sitnalta Series I have the third book already contracted with the lovely folks at Pandamoon and I have been told that The City of Arches has begun substantive edits. Once I find a title that I don't despise, I will be sending the fourth book to them. I have also written out my entire pollen for a fifth. Then, (And please don't freak out!) I will be doing a substantial time jump in the series and pick up several years into the future. I swear that when you read everything you will completely understand why.
With regards to my Hadariah series, The Dybbuk's Revenge has completely finished the editing process! I am both relieved and sad. I am relieved that all my handwork in that world has reached a satisfying conclusion, however, I'm saddened that this looks like the end for Carrie, Rebecca, and Lindsay. I feel that their story has ended. I may play in that world some more, but it won't be the same. This has been a hard ending for me. I'm still wrapping my head around actually completing a series. It feels strange.
However, with regard to the title of this blog post, I am working on a few other projects as well! One of which entails me dusting off a project I began ages ago with my brother and tweaking it so that I am more than just a little happy with it. I love our idea, and I love what can be done with it, but I think it needs a bit more work. (Damn it! I'm being vague again...) The other project (ooh... more mystery...) is one that is very near and dear to my heart in so many ways, and I'm working on it with the amazingly talented Jen Frankel! I love her writing, and if you haven't checked out her book Undead Redhead, you really need to do so now. (I mean, seriously. A vegan zombie!) As these things heat up, I swear that I will keep you updated! And now, back to the writing!
But to tide you over, some pictures from this past weekend: