However, next month is Purim, so Passover planning is a bit on the backburner. I asked my kids what they were going to dress as for the holiday, and they told me that they just wanted to dress as someone "cool". What counts as cool to a five year old? I have no idea. That seems to change on a daily basis. Two days ago, cool was Nightcrawler, Chewbacca, and a Pony. The only thing I know for sure is that they want me to be Deadpool in a dress.
In other news, I have two WIPs going on right now. I have written out the plan for Book 6 of the Sitnalta series. If you had asked me when the first book was written if I'd have gone this far with it, I would have laughed. What had initially started as a short story for my baby brother has turned into this world that I adore writing. The other book I'm working on right now is a book that my daughter asked me to write. She wanted a story about a little girl and the old woman in her closet. Now, this sounds a bit creepy, and the origin of the idea is. She and her brothers are convinced that there is an old woman living in their closet. I don't think that this old woman is a bad one, and they seem more amused by the thought than anything. In fact, Phillip says that she's rather like the old woman in the beginning of the Beauty and the Beast movie. And so, I'm writing them a ghost story. Why not?
Speaking of disjointed posts, (how's that for a segue!) I'm also hard at work on my television series! I'm telling you, Sibling Revelry is a blast to write. I've recently heard a draft of one of the songs for it, and I am so excited! Now, I saw that Costco (yes, the superstore) stole my title for an article. And since I do love The Property Brothers I will let it slide. :P (why can't I emoji on my blog? Can someone tech support me on this?) I think we should be ready to send out our stuff soon. As someone who hates to wait on submissions, I hope that the tv people move faster than the book people. But somehow, I doubt it. Wish me luck!